History shapes us

One of my favorite quotes is from Lt. Col. Allen West: “History is not there for you to like or dislike.  It’s there for you to learn from”

History is one of my favorite subjects and family history is a passion.  I started trying to figure out how to trace my mom’s-Pam Lay Reinhardt’s- family history when I was about 15.  I didn’t get too far, because my knowledge of how to do it was incredibly limited.  However, with the advances in technology, I’ve been able to spend the last two decades “collecting cousins” as many say.

Because Buck Lay is still alive, we are going to start with his brothers and sisters, all who have passed on.  If you ever have time, take a few hours and talk to him about his life.  You will find a man with incredible fortitude, especially considering how he was raised.

Please understand, with family history, it takes one document, one found family Bible, to turn what we think we know around.  I’ve done my best to follow the facts, but many records have been lost over time.

I hope you enjoy learning a bit more about our family, and that you leave here having a deeper understanding of who you are because of where you come from.

Have stories you want to share?  Photos?  Feel free to email me at [email protected].